Roskachestvo checked the cottage cheese of two Amur companies: only “Seryshevskij” successfully passed the test.
E. coli has been found in the “Fermerskoye podvorye”.
Roskachestvo, on behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation investigated the cottage cheese of the 95 largest brands sold throughout the country. The cottage cheese of two Amur companies fell under the test: “Seryshevskij” and “Fermerskoye podvorye”. If “Seryshevskij” was highly appreciated by experts, then “Fermerskoye podvorye” Roskachestvo does not recommend buying.
The cottage cheese of PC “Seryshevskij”:
Experts examined cottage cheese with a mass fraction of 9 % fat and made the following conclusions:
- Cottage cheese does not contain preservatives.
- It has a sufficient amount of protein and fat.
- Cottage cheese is produced from high quality pasteurized milk.
- There are no phytosterols, soy in the composition of cottage cheese, the mass fraction of fatty acids is normal. It confirms that it doesn’t have vegetable fats.
- There are no pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria of the Escherichia coli group and Staphylococcus aureus.
- There is a sufficient amount of lactic acid bacteria in the cottage cheese. It means that such cottage cheese will be good for health.
- No starch was detected here.
- Nitrite, heavy metals and radionuclides were not found in the cottage cheese, but trace amounts of antibiotics were found.
The antibiotic problem in cottage cheese is still widespread. It’s mostly about trace amounts of drugs permitted by Russian law. To prevent cows from getting sick, or when they are already sick, many farmers resort to antibiotics. If you don’t follow the rules of using drugs, antibiotics can pass into milk. Then from milk - to cottage cheese. Traces of antibiotics were found in the cottage cheese of more than half of the tested brands, but all of these quantities do not exceed the norms established by law. Therefore, formally, producers of these goods are not considered violators, - Roskachestvo experts report.
The cottage cheese of PC “Fermerskoye podvorye” :
The experts had many questions about the cottage cheese of this company. Traces of antibiotics were found in it, as well as E. coli. Also, the cottage cheese was not fatty enough - the percentage was less than 9% declared on the package.
Probably, the reason for the presence of Escherichia coli bacteria in the cottage cheese of “Fermerskoye podvorye” is the non-compliance with sterile production conditions, as Roskachestvo experts write. Since the cottage cheese is packed, the probability of E. coli getting into it in another way is very small. The experts of Roskachestvo noted that the product doesn’t have pathogenic microorganisms, Staphylococcus aureus, yeast, mold, and preservatives and vegetable fats. It’s produced from pasteurized milk without preservatives and starch. However, the cons have outweighed the pros. "The use of such cottage cheese can negatively affect health," - the research organization said.